Sexual Function
Medical Studies on Pregnenolone – Sexual Function

As a precursor of important sex hormones, pregnenolone supports the maintenance of optimal sexual function in women and men. A specific connection with pregnenolone has been established in women with conditions such as endometriosis, irregular menstruation and menstrual cramps.
Menstrual Concerns
Because pregnenolone is a precursor to female sex hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, pregnenolone supplementation can help maintain optimal female sexual function, for example, in cases of menstrual discomfort or uncomfortable menopausal symptoms. Pregnenolone is a safe, natural hormone component that supports the health of the female reproductive organs.
Progesterone Deficit in Endometriosis
Endometriosis is one of the most common female abdominal concerns. The implantation of the endometrium on the ovaries or below the uterus can have unpleasant consequences for those affected, from severe menstrual pain or pain during sex to general abdominal pain. Studies have shown that loss of progesterone signaling or excessively low progesterone levels can be causal factors in endometrial concerns.
Male Sexual Function
In men, pregnenolone can serve as a precursor for healthy testosterone production in age-related testosterone decline. At the same time, it protects blood vessels from age-related changes, which can help counteract erectile dysfunction, among other things.
Medical Studies on Pregnenolone – Sexual Function
Pregnenolone as a potential candidate for hormone therapy for female reproductive disorders targeting ERβ
Many steroid hormones such as estrogen (E2) bind to their receptors for the regulation of biological processes. Pregnenolone (P5) is the precursor form of almost all steroid hormones and is often used to treat skin disorders and neurological complications. However, the mechanism and physiological function of P5 in reproductive organs are not well established.
Female social and sexual interest across the menstrual cycle: the roles of pain, sleep and hormones
Although research suggests that socio-sexual behavior changes in conjunction with the menstrual cycle, several potential factors are rarely taken into consideration. We investigated the role of changing hormone concentrations on self-reported physical discomfort, sleep, exercise and socio-sexual interest in young, healthy women.
Estrogen receptor-beta, estrogen receptor-alpha, and progesterone resistance in endometriosis
Loss of progesterone signaling in the endometrium may be a causal factor in the development of endometriosis, and progesterone resistance is commonly observed in women with this disease.